We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive 教育al objectives, 促进跨学科的观点, 跨文化理解, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. 适用于有相关兴趣的成功申请人, 有可能与非洲研究的校际部门建立联系, 亚裔美国人研究, Chican@ / Latin@研究, 和/或妇女研究.
推荐十大正规网赌网站政治研究专业, 克莱蒙特, CA is seeking applicants for a one-year replacement position in Political Philosophy beginning Fall, 2024. The Political Studies Field Group seeks an individual who specializes in political theory with one or more of the following focuses: feminist political theory, 比较/全球政治理论, 种族/民族和政治理论.
Pitzer学院 has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive 教育al objectives, 促进跨学科的观点, 跨文化理解, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. 匹泽学院是平权行动/平等机会雇主. 适用于有相关兴趣的成功申请人, 有可能与非洲研究的校际部门建立联系, 亚裔美国人研究, Chican@ / Latin@研究, 和/或校际女权主义教学中心, 研究, 和参与.
薪资范围:67,000 - 74,000
申请人应提交一份兴趣信,说明你的专业领域, CV, 教学经验证明, 三封推荐信和一份写作样本. 申请应在2024年5月10日前提交. 我们将在那时开始阅读申请,直到职位被填满为止.
问题可发送至 (电子邮件保护)
匹泽学院诚聘西班牙语客座讲师. 成功的候选人将加入现代语言, 文献, 与文化(MLLC)领域组(学术部门), 提供西班牙语课程的学校, 葡萄牙语, 以及法国语言和文化. Candidates should have solid training and demonstrated excellence in language teaching at the undergraduate level. 有葡萄牙语教学能力或经验者优先考虑. 西班牙语母语或接近母语水平,具有西班牙语硕士或博士学位, 葡萄牙语, 或相关字段. The successful candidate’s responsibilities in teaching will include a total of six lower-division and conversation language courses per year as needed.
Pitzer学院 has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented social groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive 教育al objectives, 促进跨学科的观点, 跨文化理解, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action.
候选人必须提交求职信, 教学的声明, 学生对教师的评价, 多样性的声明, 还有两封推荐信.
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Pitzer学院, 加州克莱蒙特学院的成员, seeks an Assistant Professor of Mathematics whose scholarship includes work in climate modeling or an adjacent area such as Partial Differential Equations, 应用数学, 或动力系统. 也可能任命为助理级别. Ph值.D. 数学或相关专业. 成功的候选人将教授气候建模课程, 为文科学生设计的数学课程, 微积分序列, 及其他适当的数学课程. The successful candidate will have opportunities to work with the Robert Redford Conservancy, 希克森气候与环境中心, as well as coteaching opportunities with Environmental Analysis faculty and faculty in the Pitzer-斯克里普斯 Science center.
申请截止日期为10月31日,或者直到该职位被填补为止. 在此日期之前收到的申请将被优先考虑. 初步面试将于2024年1月通过视频会议进行. 校园面试将在2月底和3月初进行. 由于我们收到了大量的申请, 我们无法回复有关已提交申请状态的询问.
克莱蒙特学院(波莫纳, 哈维玛德, 斯克里普斯, 克莱蒙特麦肯纳, 和Pitzer)有一个合作的数学项目, Ph值大于50.D. 数学家. 我们的集体组织, 克莱蒙特数学科学中心, 赞助许多活动, 包括每周一次的数学学术讨论会和几次学科研讨会. 成功的候选人还可以参加校际科学项目, 技术, 在克莱蒙特学院和社会.
Pitzer学院 has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented social groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive 教育al objectives, 促进跨学科的观点, 跨文化理解, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. 匹泽学院是平权行动/平等机会雇主. 适用于有相关兴趣的成功申请人, 有可能与非洲研究的校际部门建立联系, 亚裔美国人研究, Chican@ / Latin@研究, 和/或妇女研究.
1. 申请信
2. 简历
3. 精选优秀教学证据
4. 精选的卓越研究证据
5. 教学理念陈述
6. 研究描述
7. 三封推荐信
8. 一封推荐十大正规网赌网站教学的推荐信
9. 另外, 候选人应该附上一份单独的声明,说明他们的文化是如何, 经验, 和/或学术背景有助于理解学院的多样性.
需要以下格式的电子文档:MS Word或PDF.
The salary of the finalist(s) selected for this role will be set based on a variety of factors, 包括但不限于, 内部股票, 经验, 教育, 专业, 和培训. Pitzer学院 is committed to providing comprehensive benefits to eligible employees and their eligible dependents. 我们的福利待遇包括有竞争力的薪酬, 健康, 牙科, 还有视力保险, 退休储蓄计划, 宽裕的带薪休假, 假期, 生病的时间, 育婴假, 丧亲之痛, 等.)、学费报销、参加学费交换计划等.
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We seek a tenure-track assistant professor in Climate and Energy Policy to contribute to our undergraduate curriculum in Environmental Analysis. 特别是, we are searching for a candidate whose work analyzes the impact of the climate crisis on communities of color, 土著群体, 和/或其他弱势群体. 地理区域是开放的. 主题领域可能包括气候灾难, 森林砍伐, 沙漠化, 水危机, 生物多样性的丧失, 以及走向公正过渡的运动, 全球经济的脱碳, 逆生长经济学, 气候正义, 和/或再生方法. We will consider candidates whose work on climate policy aligns with multiple social justice issues, 包括移民, 监禁, 治安, 劳动, 比赛, 性别和性, 举几个例子.
我们感兴趣的是一位学者型教师,他能带来经验主义, 应用, 和/或混合方法的方法来分析气候变化, and whose research and teaching will focus on analysis of and solutions to climate-exacerbated disparities. 熟悉社会运动和强烈的正义取向.
Pitzer学院 has an institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive 教育al objectives, 促进跨学科的观点, 跨文化理解, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. The successful candidate will teach a section of Introduction to Environmental Analysis and may periodically offer a writing intensive first-year seminar. 匹泽学院是平权行动/平等机会雇主. 适用于有相关兴趣的成功申请人, 有可能与非洲研究的校际部门建立联系, 亚裔美国人研究, Chican@ / Latin@研究, 和/或校际女权主义教学中心, 研究, 和参与.
应用, 寄一封求职信, 简历, 在教学和研究方面的卓越表现, 教学理念陈述, 研究描述, 还有三封推荐信. 另外, 候选人应该附上一份单独的声明,说明他们的文化是如何, 经验, 和/或学术背景有助于理解学院的多样性. 需要以下格式的电子文档:MS Word或PDF.
申请截止日期是 2023年9月20日,或者直到该职位被填补为止.
The salary of the finalist(s) selected for this role will be set based on a variety of factors, 包括但不限于, 内部股票, 经验, 教育, 专业, 和培训. Pitzer学院 is committed to providing comprehensive benefits to eligible employees and their eligible dependents. 我们的福利待遇包括有竞争力的薪酬, 健康, 牙科, 还有视力保险, 退休储蓄计划, 宽裕的带薪休假, 假期, 生病的时间, 育婴假, 丧亲之痛, 等.)、学费报销、参加学费交换计划等.
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匹泽学院寻求终身职位的申请者, 在助理教授级别, 在ecomedia. Ph值.D. 或米.F.A. 是否需要预约的时间. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in and deep engagement with the research, 生产, 社区参与, 以及其他经济媒体的混合实践. 理想的焦点包括环境/人为灾难, 工业化, 人为气候变化, 种间关系, ecojustice, 环境种族主义, 消费主义和浪费. Pitzer媒体研究领域小组, 与克莱蒙特学院的校际媒体研究项目合作, 建立了一个突出多样性的课程, 包容, 访问, 人们利用媒体作为社会和政治行动来创造文化变革. Our faculty members offer a diverse and comprehensive set of courses that challenge students in 跨文化理解 and in social justice theory and praxis.
The successful candidate will design undergraduate courses in their areas of specialization, demonstrate an ability to teach one or more of our core introductory media studies courses, 为学院的第一年研讨会项目做出贡献, 并将有能力监督顶点项目(包括基于实践的工作). 教学工作量为每年五门课程,并期望提供咨询案例.
Pitzer学院 has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive 教育al objectives, 促进跨学科的观点, 跨文化理解, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. 匹泽学院是平权行动/平等机会雇主. 适用于有相关兴趣的成功申请人, 有可能与非洲研究的校际部门建立联系, 亚裔美国人研究, Chican@ / Latin@研究, 和/或校际女权主义教学中心, 研究, 和参与.
一份完整的申请将包括一封求职信, 简历, 在教学和研究方面的卓越表现, 还有三封推荐信. 候选人还应提交一份声明,说明他们的文化如何, 经验, 和/或学术背景有助于理解学院的多样性.
应用, please visit 教师 Positions at Pitzer or enter the following address in your browser: http://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25117.
收到的完整申请,将给予充分考虑 2023年10月2日.
The salary of the finalist(s) selected for this role will be set based on a variety of factors, 包括但不限于, 内部股票, 经验, 教育, 专业, 和培训. Pitzer学院 is committed to providing comprehensive benefits to eligible employees and their eligible dependents. 我们的福利待遇包括有竞争力的薪酬, 健康, 牙科, 还有视力保险, 退休储蓄计划, 宽裕的带薪休假, 假期, 生病的时间, 育婴假, 丧亲之痛, 等.)、学费报销、参加学费交换计划等.
有问题可直接问 (电子邮件保护)
The Intercollegiate Department of Africana Studies at the 克莱蒙特 Colleges invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor who works at the interface of Africana Studies and environmental justice. The position is to be housed at Pitzer学院 and the successful candidate will be a member of the Africana Studies field group at Pitzer. We seek a colleague whose scholarship involves primarily quantitative behavioral research aimed at understanding individual and collective perceptions, 决定, 以及与人类生态有关的行为, 人类机构, 可持续性, 气候变化, 或适应.
我们寻找一位学者,他将为本系的研究使命做出贡献, 通过不同的学科, 的知识, 以及全世界非洲人的经历. The successful candidate should demonstrate a strong commitment to undergraduate liberal arts teaching and show evidence of a productive program of scholarly research. 该候选人有望在校际环境中协同工作.
The teaching load for this position is 5 courses annually and will include courses in the candidate’s area of 专业, plus contribute to teaching a rotating schedule of Africana Studies core courses in the major at Pitzer学院. 这些是:非洲研究概论, 非洲研究的研究方法, 及/或高级研讨会.
Ph值.D. 到成功的候选人开始在匹策大学工作的时候,应该有什么样的期望. PhD open but preference may be given to those with degrees or certifications in Africana Studies or related fields. The successful candidate will have 经验 working with students from diverse backgrounds and a demonstrated commitment to improving higher 教育 for underrepresented students.
Pitzer学院 has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive 教育al objectives, 促进跨学科的观点, 跨文化理解, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. 匹泽学院是平权行动/平等机会雇主. For the successful applicant this position is in Africana Studies at Pitzer学院 (PZ) as core faculty of the Intercollegiate Department of Africana Studies (IDAS).
申请人应在网上提交以下材料 http://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24956 by 2023年10月15日:
5) 500-750字的多样性陈述
Please note, for submission purposes, that the Academic Jobs Online site is on Eastern Standard Time.
The salary of the finalist(s) selected for this role will be set based on a variety of factors, 包括但不限于, 内部股票, 经验, 教育, 专业, 和培训. Pitzer学院 is committed to providing comprehensive benefits to eligible employees and their eligible dependents. 我们的福利待遇包括有竞争力的薪酬, 健康, 牙科, 还有视力保险, 退休储蓄计划, 宽裕的带薪休假, 假期, 生病的时间, 育婴假, 丧亲之痛, 等.)、学费报销、参加学费交换计划等.
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学院的招聘是由学院院长办公室管理的. 如果您对开放的教师职位有任何疑问,请联系 (电子邮件保护)